Todas la cerbatanas TELINJECT se venden en SET que contienen todos lo esquipos necesarios para realizar una captura exitosa ( execpto los farmacos).
Kit de Cerbatana "TIERARZTPRAXIS" SET 31.C 3cc 1 xB31.CBlowpipe with mouthpiece. 1m long, Ø 11 mm 10 xS30B Blowpipe lightweight syringe 3cc 10 xK1138BBlowpipe needle size Ø 1,1 x 38 mm 3 xU30BBlowpipe training dart with training needle UK1530V 1xFUL30BFilling set for blowpipe lightweight syringes 1cc - 3cc 1xBRG1.N11Cleaning set with wool brush, Ø 11 mm 1xSAFE HBlowpipe case
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